Monday, February 9, 2009

knit one, pearl one

I only have one friend of mine who I know can knit. Kim's a nester. Since we've known one another I've probably moved a gazillion times, and she's always lived in the same place (although she has just made a move! To Weeeeehawken, go Kim). She started off making knitted coasters and has since progressed to incredible cable sweaters and the like. When I was in Bruges a couple of years ago I bought her some knitting yarn and a box to keep her needles in. I figure that small act of thoughtfulness may or may not entitle me to now ask her to knit a huge wall-hanging for my new apartment. I just love the look of them, they seem so malleable and cosy, and my place has been a little chilly these past few nights, Venice Beach having been consumed by rain storms and dark clouds. Would be nice to have the option of pulling it down off of the wall and coccooning myself in it. Aesthetic and functional (see Kim? it will be soooo worth the effort...!).

1 comment:

  1. As soon as I unpack the needles, you got it! I think my new kitten, Ziggy, will really enjoy helping make Auntie Tash a wrap/multi-tasking wall hanging. He will slow the process down tremendously while managing to steal yarn balls. We look forward to it.
